Veterans Certifying Officials are located in the Financial Aid Office to serve you! To apply for benefits, please visit the Veterans On-Line Application. You may apply online, download forms, ask questions, and view the payment rates for each type of Veteran benefits from this website.
An overview of the application process and regulations for all chapters of VA are also available here: Veterans Benefits Application Process
After applying for veterans benefits, students should contact a Veteran’s Certifying Official inside the Financial Aid Office by phone at 757-569-6715 or email at
The Department of Veterans Administration will make all determinations of eligibility, not the College Certifying Official. Once the Veteran’s enrollment has been certified and 48 business hours has elapsed after receiving the email confirmation, the student may call 1-888-GI-BILL-1 for payment information.
Please visit our Veterans Forms at the bottom of the Forms for Financial Aid Students page. Veteran students may also qualify for free grants while attending Paul D. Camp Community College. We encourage all students to apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as well!