What is SSDL?
Shared Services Distance Learning (SSDL) courses are fully-online courses offered in partnership with Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC). These courses allow students to earn college credits at their home institution while taking an online course with an instructor from a sister Virginia Community College (VCCS). With SSDL, you have the luxury of taking your tests at the testing center of your home institution, or with a pre-approved proctor. This means that Camp Community College allows students to take advantage of an expanded variety of courses without having to travel outside of the service area.
What are the benefits?
Students will have a broader selection of courses. As a student, you will be able to enroll in classes that may not be available at your home institution. You will not need to go to another Virginia Community College to enroll into a needed course. You can earn credits needed for graduation as well as just acquire more knowledge of a subject in which you have an interest. Additionally, there are a variety of courses that would benefit a student just for the fun of learning.
Students taking SSDL courses pay the same tuition and fees for these classes as they do for other Camp classes. Please refer to the college website for additional details regarding tuition and fees. You can also purchase your textbook at the Camp institution bookstore. For additional details, you may also contact the Camp Financial Aid office at finaid@pdc.edu.
What Do You Need to Do?:
Simply enroll. Sign up for courses directly from Camp’s website. All SSDL courses have a section number beginning with the letter “E.” The SSDL courses are listed in our regular schedule of classes. If you are already or have been a student, simply log into your MyCamp account found on the college’s homepage (www.pdc.edu). If there are any problems logging into MyCamp, please follow the instruction where you indicate that you forgot your username and/or forgot password. If additional assistance is needed, contact David Felton, dfelton@pdc.edu.
SSDL Liaison:
You can get help when you need it from a friendly, dedicated SSDL Liaison available at your home institution who is assigned to assist students with SSDL questions and concerns.
Fully Online in Canvas:
No need to sign into a separate location - your SSDL classes can be accessed with all of your other Canvas classes from a single sign-on.
Sample Classes:
ART106: Hist of Modern Art |
ASL125: Hist/Cult. Deaf Comm |
BUS116: Entrepreneurship |
BUS241: Business Law I |
BUS205: Human Resource Mgmt |
EDU270: Intro-Autism Spectrum Disorders |
ENG230 Mystery/Lit & Film |
HIS218: Intro. to Digital HIS |
ITE180: Help Desk Support Skills |
ITP120: JAVA Programming I |
MKT284: Social Media Marketing |
MUS 225: The History of Jazz |
REA100: Prin. of Real Estate |
REL246: Christianity |
TRV100: Intro to Travel Industry |
Frequently Asked Questions:
- How do I register and pay for a Shared Distance Course?
- All registration and payment is done through the Student Information System in MyCamp. You may also contact Mrs. Audrey Lawrence at alawrence@pdc.edu for more information.
- How do I get my course materials?
- All SSDL course materials are available through the Camp bookstore in-person or online. Financial aid funds can be used to purchase these materials if you have award monies available to do so. You may also contact Dr. Teresa Harrison at finaid@pdc.edu for more information
- Where do I take my proctored tests?
- If a proctor is required, all SSDL proctored tests can be taken at the Camp Testing Center without needing a proctor request form
- Simply let the test proctor know it is a 'shared' course. The testing center already has testing rosters for all SSDL courses and the test information. You may contact Ms. Gleason, mgleason@pdc.edu for additional information.
- When can you enroll?
- Enroll early as SSDL classes do fill up quickly. All classes are listed in the Student Information System with the associated start date. It is important to notice the start date of all SSDL classes.
- What are the course offerings?
- Please view our list of all current semester classes course offerings.
Contact Information:
Mrs. Audrey Lawrence, SSDL Liaison
alawrence@pdc.edu or 757-348-0843 (call or text)
Dr. Teresa Harrison, Financial Aid Coordinator
finaid@pdc.edu or 757-569-6715
Mrs. Trina Jones, Dean of Student Services and Professional Counselor
tjones@pdc.edu or 757-6720
Mr. David Felton, Computer Specialist / On-Line Learning
dfelton@pdc.edu or 757-569-6718.