Access to Campus Facilities
Campus buildings are accessible to the college community 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. when classes or events are scheduled. The Franklin Campus Library is open every Sunday from 2:00 - 5:00 pm . Anyone requiring access to the facility after the times identified must arrange the access through Campus Security. All maintenance problems discovered by or reported to Campus Security are referred to the Buildings and Grounds Department for resolution.
Alcohol and other Drugs
The college is cognizant of the fact that the misuse and abuse of alcohol is a pertinent health and social problem of major proportion in our society and that it interferes with the goals and objectives of any educational institution. The college does not condone the misuse or abuse of alcoholic beverages or the use of such beverages by individuals under the legal drinking age in the state of Virginia. The purchase of alcoholic beverages for underage individuals is a violation of state laws and college policy. Members of the college community are responsible for their decisions regarding the use of alcohol as well as behavior which occurs as a result of these decisions. A hard copy of the college alcohol policy may be obtained from the Safety and Security office on the Franklin campus..
The college strictly prohibits the illegal use, possession or distribution of any controlled substance. The use of illegal controlled substances is not compatible with the goals of an academic community. Any student found guilty of possessing, distributing or sale of a controlled substance faces arrest, criminal penalties and/or serious college disciplinary action, which may include suspension or dismissal from the college.
Campus Parking
The college provides free parking at all campuses on a first-come, first-served basis. The college accepts no responsibility of loss or damage to private or commercial vehicles using campus parking lots. Handicapped parking spots and fire lanes are clearly marked and the college will have illegally parked vehicles towed at owner's expense. Vehicle maintenance on college property is prohibited. Abandoned or inoperative vehicles will be towed at the owner's expense.
Campus Crime Alerts
Situations, incidents and persons that pose a threat to the college community will quickly be brought to the attention of the campus community through physical posting of Safety and Security Alert Bulletins on the Safety and Security Web page and on the informational TVs located around campuses. You also will receive timely emergency and crime alerts via Camp Alert. Sign up or this essential free service at Alert.
Criminal Incident Information Log (60 Days)
This document is maintained in compliance with code of Virginia, 1950- as amended 23-232.2 and federal law and contains information about all crimes against persons or property, which are reported to the Paul D. Camp Community College Security Force. This log may be reviewed at the Campus Security Office on the Franklin Campus. Copies are available upon request and be made available within two working days.
Crime: Shoplifting
Date: 1 Oct 14
Disposition: Students turned over to high school official for disciplinary action
Crime: Theft
Date: 21 Nov 14
Location: Hobbs Suffolk Campus
Description: Employee had coat stolen from office over weekend. There are neither witnesses nor surveillance camera coverage. Case closed without successful resolution.
Campus Crime Data
The College Safety and Security Officer prepares an annual report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime statistics Act. The full text of this report is available as a PDF document. This report is prepared in cooperation with the local law enforcement agencies surrounding each campus and center. A direct link to campus crime statistics for each campus is provided. Camp collects and reports data about criminal offenses, arrests, and administrative referrals for the following specific criminal violations:
- Murder/non-negligent manslaughter
- Negligent manslaughter
- Sex offenses- Forcible
- Sex offenses- Non-forcible
- Robbery
- Aggravated assault
- Burglary
- Motor vehicle theft
- Arson
- Hate offenses involving criminal acts
- Illegal weapons possession
- Drug law violations
- Liquor law violations
For the criminal offenses in the reports listed above, occurrences that manifest evidence of prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, disability or ethnicity (hate crimes) will be listed in both the Criminal Offenses and "Hate Crimes" sections.
Campus crime data is reported annually to the U.S. Department of Education as required by the Clery Act.
Emergency Actions
The college plans for all hazards to mitigate property damage and personal injury, but no amount of planning can address the uncertainties of natural or man-made emergencies. However, there are several proven approaches that can provide general protection and are easily implemented in a crisis. These reactions are: Shelter in Place, Evacuation and Lockdown. Each are useful in addressing specific types of emergencies.
Shelter in Place These procedures may be implemented in response to severe weather events.
- Emergency notifications, warnings and alerts will direct all personnel to report to the nearest storm shelter.
- Shut doors, turn off lights and electrical appliances.
- Proceed immediately to the nearest designated storm shelter in the building or go to the nearest restroom as an alternative.
- Instructors should account for students.
- Call security to report number of personnel in shelter or restroom.
- Remain in the shelter until an all-clear alert is sounded, or a first responder or campus security officer directs departure.
Evacuation Used in situations where there is danger in remaining in a given area or building most often associated with fire or hazardous material incidents.
- The fire alarm will sound. Treat all fire alarms as real.
- Evacuate the room/building by the safest route as indicated on the fire evacuation map posted in classrooms, offices, restrooms and hallways.
- Use the stairs-never the elevators.
- Close doors, windows and turn off electrical appliances and lights if time permits.
- Assemble at the designated Emergency Assembly Area and remain there until released by either the fire department or Campus Security officers.
- Instructors should account for students.
- Notify Campus Security of any missing students.
- Do not go to your cars or try to leave the parking lot until the all-clear alert has been sounded by Campus Security or the fire department.
Lockdown Used for imminent threat of violence or personal harm, such as a gunman on campus.
- Alerts and emergency notification will direct a Campus Lockdown.
- Stay in your classroom, office or laboratory. If in the hallway proceed the nearest classroom, office or laboratory.
- Close windows and shades.
- Move away from doors and windows.
- Crouch on the floor out of the line of sight from windows or door window panels.
- Remain silent and turn cell phones off or to vibrate.
- Do not attempt to evacuate the building.
- After Lockdown has been sounded, ignore any fire alarms unless directed to evacuate by a member of the fire service, police department or Campus Security.
- Contact Campus Security and advise them of your location and number of persons sheltering at that location.
- Remain in place until law enforcement personnel arrive and direct your evacuation.
- Obey all police instructions and remember they may treat YOU as the perpetrator until they determine who he/she is.
Paul D. Camp Campus Safety and Security Force
The Campus Security Forces are not sworn law enforcement officers and do not have arrest authorities beyond those of a private citizen. The local police forces provide emergency services. The force is small and does not provide emergency fire or medical services, these services, like police response, are provided through local fire and emergency medical services by dialing 9-911 from a college telephone or 911 from a personal device. The Campus Security Force will assist with non-life threatening and safety situations and enforce college policies and rules. Some of the other services provided by the security force are: building access, assisting physically challenged individuals, removing illegally parked vehicles and personal escorting for students, faculty and staff during the hours of darkness. Escorts can only be provided for movement between campus facilities, buildings and parking lots.
The college community is encouraged to report all emergencies, criminal acts, safety concerns, fire danger and suspicious activities or persons to the Camp Campus Security Force. These reports are voluntary and confidential and may be made by plain text email, telephone, Silent Witness Report or personal visit to the Campus Security Office. The main Campus Security Office is located in room 130D in the main facility on the Franklin Campus. The primary telephone number is 757.569.6721. When reporting an incident, you should be prepared to give the following information:
- Type of Incident (crime, fire, safety, disruptive student)
- Location of the incident
- What occurred or what you observed that occurred
- Date/time of incident
- Description/name of suspect
- Victim's name
- Other witnesses
Remember you do not have to give your name to report a crime. If you are the victim, you do not have to press charges, providing the crime is not a crime against the state. However, Campus Security and the local police can be more effective if you cooperate by identifying yourself.
Crimes Against Persons
Crimes against persons take many forms gender violence, sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking. They all have one thing in common all are crimes and punishable as either criminal or civil matters. Additionally they are all violations of the Title IX if they involve a member of the college community and punishments under this code can be in addition to any criminal or civil prosecution. The college strongly encourages victims and witnesses to report and prosecute alleged perpetrators to the fullest extent of the laws. There are several venues for assistance if a person is a victim.
Paul D. Camp Community College has access to trained professional counseling staff available to assist victims. The Commonwealth's Attorneys Office of the cities of Franklin, Suffolk and Smithfield victim/witness assistance program is also available to assist victims in any way possible. Referral information is available at all times from the Campus Security Force. Security personnel can assist you in obtaining the necessary information for counseling, medical care or financial assistance. Responsiveness to the victim is a top priority of the college and the Campus Security Force.
If you are a victim of a sexual assault,even if you do not choose to prosecute, it is important that you have a physical examination after the attack. Besides bruises or other physical injuries, you may have been exposed to sexually transmitted diseases that require treatment. An HIV/AIDS test may also help ease your mind although additional testing six months after the assault may be necessary to completely eliminate the threat of AIDS/HIV. The college most strongly recommends counseling, either private or through excellent public resources, and can put you in touch with these resources. All of these services are confidential.
Consider your judicial options. Although there are statutes of limitations on criminal cases, they are often longer than you think. You also have the option of civil charges or campus disciplinary actions.
If the assault and the aftermath are interfering with your ability to complete your academic work, talk with the VP of Academic and Student Development about academic relief.
Remember it is never too late to deal with a crime against persons and the college will assist you in every way possible.
Statewide Registration of Sex Offenders
In accordance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000, which amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act, the Jeanne Clery Act, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Paul D. Camp Community College provides a link the Virginia Police Sex Offender Registry. These acts require institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising the campus community and parents of students where law enforcement information provided by a state concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. It also requires sex offenders already required to register in a state to provide notice of each institution of higher education in that state at which the person is employed, carries a vocation or is a student. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, convicted sex offenders must register with the Sex Offender and Crimes against Minors registry maintained by the state police.
The Sex Offender and Crimes against Minors Registry (SOR) for Violent Sex Offenders is available via Internet pursuant to Section 19.2-390.1(D), of the Code of Virginia. Registry information provided under this section shall be used for the purposes of the administration of criminal justice screening of current or prospective employees and volunteers, or otherwise for the protection of the public in general and children in particular. Unlawful use of this information for purposes of intimidating or harassing another is prohibited and willful violation shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor under Virginia code.
The Virginia State Police are responsible for maintaining this registry. Access to this information can be obtained through Campus Security's main office or at Sex Offender Registry.
Suicide Prevention
Don't keep a deadly secret. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide talk to someone. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 1.800.273.8255, is a free 24-hour hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Your call will be routed to the crisis center nearest you. There are many national and local organizations that will provide free and confidential help for a wide range of mental illnesses in addition to helping you deal with suicidal thoughts. The National Alliance on Mental Illness and Western Tidewater Community Services boards are just two of the organizations available to you. The following links are excellent sources for finding help or understanding the potential for suicide.
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Warning Signs
- Facts About Suicide and Depression
Violence Prevention
The Behavioral Assessment Team and Violence Prevention Committee are committed to improving community safety through proactive, collaborative, coordinated, objective, and thoughtful approaches to the prevention, identification, assessment, intervention, and management of situations that pose, or may reasonably pose, a threat to the safety, security, and well-being of the campus community. The Behavioral Assessment Team is the action arm of the college. The Behavioral Assessment Team protocol was established to provide clear parameters regarding campus incidents that warrant attention. There are three key categories:
- Self-injurious behavior (i.e., suicidal ideation/attempt, cutting behavior, dangerous alcohol/substance consumption, etc.)
- Disruptive behavior that violates campus community safety (i.e., homicidal threats, stalking, assault, cyber bullying, carrying weapons, etc.)
- Unusual behavior (i.e., changes in personality, depressive symptoms, shifts in mood, unexplained irritability and/or lethargy, hopelessness, etc.)
Once an incident is reported to the Behavioral Assessment Team, the college is obligated to conduct an assessment and categorize the event based on the severity, impact on victim and the operations of the college. Corrective action will be based on this assessment and the complainant or victim notified of the actions being taken by the college. . Incidents can be reported via the Silent Witness Report, email, telephone, or in person at the Campus Security Office in room 130D at the Franklin Campus 757.569.6721.
Bomb Threats or Suspicious Device/Package
If you discover a suspicious package, do not attempt to pick it up. DO NOT sound the fire alarm or use cell phones in proximity to the device as they may trigger an explosion. Evacuate the area and alert others near the site. Report the device immediately to the Campus Security Officer. Should you receive a phoned-in threat, get as much critical information as possible: Where is the bomb? When will it explode? Notify campus security and/or the local police immediately.
National Threat Alert System (NTAS)
NTAS alerts will only be issued when credible information on terrorist threats exist and may be issued for a specific region or the nation at-large. Gone is the color coded threat level system, replaced by either an Imminent Threat Alert, which warns of a credible, specific and impending threat or Elevated Threat Alert, which warns of a credible terrorist threat against the U.S.
Emergency Medical Supplies/Treatment
The college does not maintain an urgent care capability; it relies on local emergency medical services for urgent/emergency care. Urgent care is defined as an injury or disease that is life threatening or potentially life threatening in the opinion of a reasonable person without specialized medical training. The college does maintain supplies for non-urgent medical emergencies, e.g., sprains, minor lacerations. These supplies are located as follows:
Franklin Campus Main Building
Room 136H, Nursing Department
Room 126E, Security Office
Room 143, Welding Classroom
Franklin Workforce Development Center
Main administration office
Hobbs Campus - Suffolk
Room 100 Main Administration Office
Room 120, Bookstore
Camp at Smithfield
Room 202, Main Administration Office
Security Cameras
Camp has installed security cameras for the protection of the college community on all campuses. These cameras are monitored by the Campus Security Force. Questions concerning policies and uses should be addressed to the College Safety and Security Officer, 757.569.6721.