Searching for money for post-secondary education can be difficult. Here are some resources that may be of assistance. Some of these sites also provide information on internships, study abroad, mentoring programs, job opportunities, and special events. I invite you to take a look at this information. Please be mindful that each scholarship may have specific deadlines and criteria.
Actuarial Diversity Scholarship Program - The Actuarial Foundation awards three annual scholarships to minority students. These scholarships are open to Hispanics, African-Americans and Native North Americans. Students pursuing a degree that may lead to an actuarial profession are welcome to apply.
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities - This site provides a wealth information from scholarships, internships, and study abroad opportunities.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund - The Hispanic Scholarship Fund offers a diverse range of scholarship programs, including Gates Millennium Scholars.
MALDEF - This website offers a wealth of information for Latinos. MALDEF currently offers: a Scholarship Resource Guide for high school, college, and graduate students; a Law School Scholarship Program for law students; and a DREAM Act Student Activist Scholarship Program for college and graduate students. Additional pages from this website offer information about employment, education, and media as well.
Online Colleges: Financial Resources for Hispanic Students - This resource will help Hispanic students with every aspect of the college search and financial aid process, including Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) and scholarships.
Samuel R. Bowman, II Endowed Scholarship - Eligible recipients would be Hispanics who are interested in obtaining a certificate or associate degrees from Blue Ridge Community College or a four year degree from James Madison University.
Disclaimer. This list was compiled as a resource. It should not be construed as endorsement or support of any particular organization, individual, views expressed, or products or services offered by these outside entities. HSCC does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of this outside information. HSCC is not in any manner responsible for the content in any of these web sites or sources of information.