Below are some guidelines and information to help you for borrowing or utilizing resources at the Paul D. Camp Community College Library.
How do I get a library card?
Paul D. Camp Community College students, faculty, and staff use their Camp identification card as a library card. Community patron cards can be issued to all Virginia residents, including alumni. In order to receive a community patron card, you must present a valid form of identification that includes a photo and complete an application card. We require the signature and the identification (presented in-person) of a parent or guardian for patrons under the age of 18 who request a community patron card. Loss of a Camp identification card has a $7.00 charge for students, and $3.00 for patrons. Community patron cards have an expiration date of 12 months from date of issue.
How do I borrow materials from the library?
You are required to present a valid Camp identification card or community library card at the circulation desk to borrow library materials. Camp Students AND Community Patrons:
- Books- 4 weeks
- Textbooks- Library use only
- Magazines/Journals- 1 week (past issues only)
- Reference- Library use only
- Reserves- Library use only
How many books may I have checked out at once?
Patrons may check out a total of ten books with a valid library card.
How do I renew materials?
To keep a book for another borrowing period, you can renew a book in person at the library's circulation desk or it may be renewed by phone as long as it is before the book's due date. Remember:
- To renew an item, it must be renewed before the due date.
- No overdue items or outstanding fines are on your library account.
- Items which have requests placed on them cannot be renewed.
How many times may I renew materials?
Patrons may renew materials twice as long as no prior requests have been made for the material by another patron.
What are my responsibilities as a library patron?
Patrons are responsible for returning or renewing all items borrowed with their library card by their due date. Patrons are prohibited by library policy to lend their library card to others. Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately. Patrons are responsible for notifying the library of any change in name, address, phone number, and/or status from non-student to student.
How do I check my Camp library account information?
If you are affiliated with Camp, you can check your library account information by following a few simple steps:
- Go to the Camp library homepage
- Under Searches, click on QuickSearch
- Click on Guest on the top right of the page.
- Click Sign In
- Enter your MyVCCS user name and password (also used to access Blackboard)
- Click on your name on the top right of the page
- Click My Library Account
All of your library account information (including current materials checked out) should be displayed on the page. Materials can be renewed from this page as well.
How do I request an item that is checked out?
You can “Request” a book currently checked out by another patron. When it is returned to the library, it will be available for your use. Requests merely secure the book for you when it is returned by the current borrower. You can request a book in person at the library’s circulation desk or via phone 757.569.6737 (for the Franklin campus) or 757.925.6345 (for the Suffolk campus). Only Camp faculty, staff, or students are entitled to place requests. You can also request items directly from QuickSearch. When you’ve found the book you are looking for, click on the title, then Request or Request Item. If you are not signed in, sign in to get the Request links to appear. Please keep in mind that other patrons may also have a request on the same item. Requests for items will be accommodated based on the date of the request, with priority given to the earliest request date.
Can I use Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?
If you do not find the resource you desire, you should consider our Interlibrary Loan service. ILL is reserved for Camp students, faculty, and staff only. Please see our Interlibrary Loan FAQ.
How do I return materials?
Materials may be returned at the library's circulation desk. The library also has an outdoor book drop for after-hours returns.
How do I locate materials? Missing Items
You can ask any library staff member to help you find a book. If an item is not on the shelf, and not checked out in the online catalog, stop at the library's circulation desk for assistance. The item could be in the process of being reshelved by the library or may have been reshelved incorrectly by another patron.
What are course reserves?
Faculty may place personal and/or library-owned materials on reserve for their students. All course reserve materials are located behind the library's circulation desk. Reserve materials may be used in the library only. Reserve items should be returned to the staff at the library's circulation desk.
How do you use the audiobook collection?
Audiobooks may be found in the Overdrive Media audiobook collection; this collection is only available to Camp students, faculty, and staff. To access the collection, go to Audiobooks. Checking out audiobooks from Overdrive Media: To check out materials from the audiobook collection, you will need to enter your MyVCCS user name and password (also used to access Blackboard). Audiobooks may be checked out for a period of two weeks. All downloads must be done on a personal computer. To download the audiobooks, you will need to install the Overdrive Media Console on your personal computer. System requirements and downloading instructions are provided on the webpage. To utilize the downloaded audiobook, you will also need to have the most recent version of Windows Media Player installed on your personal computer. Downloading instructions are provided on the webpage.
How do I contact the library if I need more help?
The phone number for the Franklin campus library is 757.569.6737; the phone number for the Suffolk campus library is 757.925.6345.