Bookstore Charge Policy

Students may use excess financial aid in the College Bookstore to purchase only required books and supplies for registered courses deemed eligible for financial aid for the term. The College Bookstore is authorized to allow students to charge the following materials to their financial aid under the following conditions:

  1. Bookstore charging period is 14 days prior to the start of a term through the end of the 12 week class session drop period. Additional charge periods may be added, at the Financial Aid Coordinator’s discretion, to accommodate students in only late starting classes or other unusual circumstances.
  2. The student may pick up these items or order them online at
  3. The student must sign an authorization to allow charging of books. The official authorization will reside within the Student Information System (SIS).
  4. In most cases, these online orders will be sent directly to the student. If alternate pickup arrangements are made, only the student is allowed to pick up purchases that are charged to financial aid and will need a photo ID.
  5. The semester limit for all bookstore charges is $1,200, even if a student has more excess funds, unless the Financial Aid Coordinator raises the limit or approves an exception.
  6. Items not approved for purchase with financial aid include but are not limited to apparel, food, cell phones, gift items, and gift/prepaid cards. These items must be purchased out of pocket, if needed.