Planning for remote work within your department
To stay effective during events that necessitate telework, it’s important to make preparations. Within your department or group, you should:
- Discuss how your group(s) will handle business disruptions
- Develop and document a communication plan that covers how your department or group will:
- Provide important updates and information
- Communicate during emergencies
- Conduct routine collaboration on projects
In your communication plan, clarify which tools and platforms will be used for routing information. These could include:
- Your departmental intranet or collaboration site
- Email and Google groups
- Videoconferencing for virtual meetings
- Telephone Interactive Voice Response systems (for front desks and administrative offices)
- Telephone features such as call forwarding, or software that lets you answer your office phone at home
Assign responsibilities, and assemble a list that includes names and contact information (including personal phone numbers) for the people who are carrying out the plan
Share documentation of your plan within your group in a location where all members can easily access
Review your plan at least annually, updating contact lists and tools as appropriate
Make sure your group members are signed up for Camp Alert!
Keep in mind that during a major disaster, some online services may not be available until they are recovered or restored.