The LOGISTXGAMES in Virginia brings leading logistics employers together in a head-to-head competition that builds employee pride, highlights the importance of the logistics industry, and raises scholarship funds for local community college logistics and workforce development programs. Why Employers Participate in the LOGISTXGAMES
- TEAM BUILDING – Inspire employees to take pride in their labor by fielding a team to compete in the event.
- WORKFORCE RECRUITMENT – Promote the importance of the logistics industry through event promotion and sponsors.
- WORKFORCE TRAINING – Support local residents – and your future employees – through raising sponsorship money for the Paul D. Camp Community College Foundation.
- EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION – Reward high-performing employees with a fun off-site experience.
- NETWORKING – Engage with other leading logistics employers through planning for and participation in the competition.
The LOGISTXGAMES truly offer something for everyone. Teams win by getting to strut their stuff for their coworkers and local and regional peers. Companies win by gaining a unique morale-booster and incentive for their employees and organizers win by gaining a unique networking and property-showcasing opportunity.