Spring semester 2025 scholarship applications are closed until September 2025. Please read the scholarship descriptions carefully and make sure that you meet the qualifications for a particular scholarship before you apply. Only qualified applicants will receive awards.

Scholarship recipients will be announced in late November.

Alvin C. Rogers Memorial Smithfield Ruritan Scholarship

Amount: One scholarship at $500 for Spring Semester


  • Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 if currently or recently enrolled in high school or continued education, or GED (transcript or GED scores must be attached to application).
  • Applicant must demonstrate a financial need (a paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application).
  • Applicant must be enrolled in a certificate or degree program at Paul D. Camp Community College’s Smithfield Center.
  • Applicant must have a Smithfield address.
  • Applicant must submit a 200 to 500 word essay on “The Importance of Community Service Organizations”

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Bertella C. Westbrook Memorial Scholarship for Nursing Students

Amount: $750

This scholarship was established in memory of Bertella C. Westbrook, RN, who was a staunch advocate of education and the nursing profession.


  • Letter of acceptance into the RN Program at Camp must be attached to application.
  • Applicant must be a resident of the college’s service area (cities of Franklin and Suffolk, Counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton).
  • Letters of recommendation should reference character, potential for leadership in school activities, and community work.
  • Applicant must demonstrate a financial need (paragraph describing financial aid must be included with application).
  • Applicant must submit a short essay on why you chose the nursing profession (must be included with application).

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Connie Patterson Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Amount: $250

The Connie Patterson Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund was established September 22, 2006 to honor the memory of Connie Patterson. Connie was employed by Internal Medicine from October 14, 1996 until her death in 2006, as a medical administrator. Connie is survived by her husband, John Patterson and two sons, Adam T Patterson and Mark E. Patterson.

The initiative for the Fund came from her coworkers at Internal Medicine and the physicians, Robert G. Edwards, MD and Daniel K. Peak, Jr. MD, who worked with Connie and desire to honor her commitment to helping others by establishing a scholarship to assist deserving students in the nursing profession


  • Available to a Camp Nursing student that has successfully completed three semesters of nursing curriculum and is in good academic standing (attache transcripts to application).
  • Applicant must be a resident of Franklin, Southampton County, or Isle of Wight County.
  • Consideration will be given to projected contributions to the nursing profession upon graduation as demonstrated by active participation in nursing associations while a student. Please attach a list of any nursing associations that you have joined.

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Cross Realty Scholarship Program

Amount: $500 apiece and may be used for tuition, fees, and textbooks


  • For full-time students (12+ credit hours) who are seeking an associate’s degree
  • Preference for older students and other nontraditional students (meaning students not coming right out of high school)
  • Preference for students with financial need, who don’t have other scholarship opportunities
  • Preference for students who are interested in an education degree and/or career in teaching (Not a requirement)

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Franklin Woman’s Club Scholarship

Amount: $400


  • Available to any person who would like to enroll for college work after having been out of school or college for at least three years
  • Applicant must have a high school diploma or GED (transcript or GED scores must be attached to application).
  • Financial circumstances of the applicant may be considered a factor in granting the scholarship (paragraph describing financial need must be included with application).
  • Applicant must submit a short paragraph explaining how this award would be beneficial to you (must be included with application).

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GED & Adult Education Scholarship Fund

Amount: Up to $1,000 per student (minimum 10 students per year)

The GED and Adult Education Scholarship was initially established as part of the Rural Virginia Horseshoe Initiative (RVHI), providing incentives for recent GED recipients to continue their education in the workforce and other programs of study. Almost 20% of rural Virginians do not graduate high school. As a result, the Commonwealth ranks 31st nationally in the percentage of the population with at least a high school equivalency.

This scholarship is an investment in people who want to work and find a career that will empower them to become strong, productive citizens. It gives a little financial help to encourage GED recipients to begin (or continue) their education after high school and helps inspire people without a GED to earn one. The GED Adult Education Scholarship is building a bridge from high school to college to career. In addition to the scholarship, awardees will receive support from counselors, advisors, and other support services on the Camp campuses to help them reach their education and career goals.

The scholarship is available for students who want to enroll in Credit and/or Non-credit courses, ranging from forklift classes to welding, electrical and HVAC certificates to associate’s degrees in Nursing and more. The scholarship may be used to pay for classes, tools or other items needed for specific courses, computers and/or barriers that prevent a student from pursuing his/her academic goals (childcare, transportation, etc.).

The GED & Adult Education Scholarship is available for students who meet the following criteria:

  • Applicant must have recently earned a GED certificate (within the last 5 years)
  • Applicant will need to upload a copy of their GED certificate
  • Applicant must not be enrolled in another college or university
  • Applicant must reside in the Western Tidewater communities of Franklin, Suffolk, Isle of Wight County, or Southampton County, Virginia
  • Submissions must include a few words on what courses or career the applicant plans to pursue and how they will use this scholarship
  • Student may enroll in Non-credit (such as Workforce Development) and/or Credit (lead to an associate’s degree or certificate) courses
  • For students taking Credit courses, this scholarship is to be used as “last dollar” funding (after last form of other financial aid is used)
  • Financial need is not necessarily a determining factor; however, Credit students must complete the free FAFSA
  • Scholarship is awarded on a first come, first serve basis

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Gordon “Gene” Barlow, Jr. Scholarship

Amount: $500
The Gordon “Gene” Barlow, Jr. Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Mr. Gordon “Gene” Barlow, Jr. Upon his passing in February 2009, Mr. Barlow identified Paul D. Camp Community College as a recipient of a major gift for an endowed scholarship. As a student, Mr. Barlow graduated from Smithfield High School, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and Iowa State University. He was in the U.S. Army during World War II. Mr. Barlow was a member of the American Legion Post 49, Christopher Newport University’s Lifelong Learning Society, Smithfield Baptist Church, and the Smithfield Ruritan Club.
The Gordon “Gene” Barlow, Jr. Scholarship will be available for tuition, books, and other legitimate school needs for students.

  • Available to residents of Smithfield, Virginia.
  • Applicants must have a GPA of 2.75 or better.
  • Submissions must include a 300-word essay on the “Importance of Education and Lifelong Learning.”

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Jim Lassiter Camp Scholarship

Amount: $300


  • Applicant must have a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher.
  • Applicant should have completed all developmental studies and be working towards a degree or a certificate.
  • Certificate students must have completed 18 hours at Camp, not including developmental courses.
  • Degree students must have completed 24 hours at Camp, not including developmental courses.
  • Applicant must include a 400 to 500 word essay explaining what changes in education you foresee in the next ten to twenty years.

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Kiwanis Club of Smithfield Scholarships

Amount: Two $250 Scholarships will be awarded each Spring Semester


  • Applicant must have a GPA of 2.5 or above if currently or recently enrolled in high school or higher education (transcript or GED scores must be attached to application).
  • Applicant must demonstrate a financial need (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application).
  • Applicant must be enrolled in a certificate or degree program with classes at Camp’s Smithfield Center.
  • Applicant must be a resident of Isle of Wight County.
  • Applicant must submit a 250-500 word essay on “How This Scholarship Might Assist Me in Obtaining My Educational and/or Career Goals” (must be attached to application).

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Perry R. Adams Scholarship

Amount: $250

This scholarship was established in memory of Dr. Perry R. Adams, the founding president of Paul D. Camp Community College. In his lifetime, Dr. Adams devoted 55 years to education. His outstanding career included teaching at all levels (kindergarten through university) and serving as Vice Chancellor for the Virginia Community College System.


  • Applicant must be a High School Graduate.
  • Applicant must be enrolled in a Certificate or Degree Program at Camp.
  • Applicant must have at least a 2.5 GPA if currently or recently enrolled in high school or higher education (transcript must be attached to application).
  • Applicant must demonstrate a financial need (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application).

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Ryan L. Kirkland Memorial Scholarship for Nursing Students

Amount: $500

Ryan Lawrence Kirkland graduated from the College of William and Mary in 1999 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology. Following a brief tour for the State of Alaska as a scientific observer on commercial fishing boats, he taught science in the public school system for four years. Ryan was passionate about education, science, and people. It was only natural when he decided to return to school to become a Registered Nurse. He entered the RN program at Paul D. Camp Community College in August 2006. His ready smile, sense of humor, dedication to study, and caring for others quickly earned the trust and respect of his classmates and college faculty. He was elected President of the Class of 2008.

Ryan loved people and accepted them as they were, no questions asked. He was always ready to lend his support to any project, problem, or cause. On March 21, 2007, Ryan died in a car accident. His time here was short, but he will never be forgotten. Ryan’s classmates said it best at their capping ceremony when they read a poem in his memory called “The Dash” by Linda Ellis. The poem affirms a simple truth: On a tombstone, you will see a date of birth and a date of death, but what is really important is how the Dash was spent between those years.


  • Applicant must be a High School Graduate or GED recipient.
  • Applicant must be a nursing student in their third semester at Camp.
  • Applicant must demonstrate Ryan’s spirit of helping others by attaching an essay describing their community service activities or what they do to help others.

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Woman’s Club of Smithfield Scholarship

Amount: Two $400 Scholarships will be awarded each Spring Semester


  • Applicant must be 25 years of age or older.
  • Applicant must have a 2.5 GPA or above if currently or recently enrolled in high school or higher education (transcript or GED scores must be attached to application).
  • Applicant must be enrolled in or have completed any SDV course at Camp’s Smithfield Center.
  • Applicant must be enrolled in at least one 3-credit academic course at the Smithfield Center.
  • Applicant must be a resident of Isle of Wight County.

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