The Fall scholarship application period is Open February 10 - April 29.
Scholarship recipients will be announced by late May – to early June.
Fall scholarships include:
40/7 Society Scholarship
The 40/7 Society has been created in celebration of our 40th year of service and inauguration of our 7th president.
Community members and local businesses invested $407 each to create an endowed scholarship for a non-traditional student.
The amount of the scholarship is $407, which can be used towards tuition or books.
The required criteria for the recipient will be:
- Student must be enrolled in 6 class credits
- Good academic standing with college
American Association of University Women, Suffolk Branch
Amount: $250 (may be used for books, tuition or supplies)
The Suffolk Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) promotes equity for all women and girls, lifelong education, and positive societal change.
- Available to any prospective or former Camp female student who is returning to College.
- Must be enrolled in an associate’s degree program and plans to transfer to a 4-year institution
- Must be a resident of the City of Suffolk
- Attach a short essay explaining the following: why attending Camp is a “second chance” at education for you, how this award would be financially beneficial to you, and what steps you plan to take to reach your goal.
Bertella C. Westbrook Memorial Scholarship for Nursing Students
Amount: $750
This scholarship was established in memory of Bertella C. Westbrook, RN, who was a staunch advocate of education and the nursing profession.
- Letter of acceptance into the RN Program at Camp must be attached to application.
- Applicant must be a resident of the college’s service area (cities of Franklin and Suffolk, Counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton).
- Letters of recommendation should reference character, potential for leadership in school activities, and community work.
- Applicant must demonstrate a financial need (paragraph describing financial aid must be included with application).
- Applicant must submit a short essay on why you chose the nursing profession (must be included with application).
City of Suffolk Early Childhood Development Scholarship
Amount: $500
- Applicant must be enrolled in/declared a major in the Early Childhood Development program at Camp.
- Applicant can be a full-time or part-time student.
- Applicant must have completed at least one year of Early Childhood Development coursework at the time of the award.
- Applicant must be a resident of Suffolk, Virginia.
- Applicant must be currently employed in-field, as demonstrated by employer letter(s) of reference for a regulated childcare facility. If self-employed as a Family Care Home Provider, the home must be licensed and parents/customers may provide the letter(s) of reference.
- Applicant must provide two letters of reference, in addition to the employee letter of reference described above.
Darden W. Jones/Franklin Lions Club Scholarship
Amount: $1000.00 (will be granted in late summer, with a $500.00 disbursement for the fall semester and a $500.00 disbursement for the spring semester)
- Be a resident of Franklin/Southampton County;
- Have a cumulative GPA of 2.5;
- Be a student who is completing the second year of a two-year degree;
- Be an adult who is a single parent OR is working while attending college (not a high schooler in a dual-enrollment program) OR has special circumstances that make completing his or her degree an unusual challenge.
Dean Nancy Sandberg Scholarship
Amount: $500 (may be used for books, tuition, or supplies)
- 25 years or older
- Must have a high school diploma or GED.
- Enrollment in a certificate or degree program at Camp
- Two letters of reference (must be attached to application)
- 300- to 500-word essay write a explaining why you consider attending Camp to be a “second chance” at education and why you have financial need (must be attached to application)
Donald C. Boyce Education Scholarship
Amount: $500 (may be used for books, tuition and supplies)
Funded by the Boyce family and friends, this scholarship was established in memory of Donald C. Boyce, who was a dedicated elementary school teacher. He was also a married student who had been in the Army before completing his bachelor’s degree.
- 2.5 GPA (Transcript or GED scores must be attached to the application)
- Two Letters of Reference (must be attached to application)
- Education Major enrolled in a certificate or degree program at Camp
- Paragraph describing interest in education as a career objective
- Preferably, a married student, single parent, or student with a dependent
Dr. Alvin C. Rogers Endowed Scholarship
Amount: $250
Established by his friends and family, this scholarship is given in memory of Dr. Alvin C. Rogers, retired Veterinarian and Camp Site Coordinator for the Smithfield location. Dr. Rogers’ myriad contributions to individuals and the community at large made him one of Isle of Wight County’s most beloved citizens.
Instrumental in establishing the Camp Center, Dr. Rogers also donated the Smithfield location’s first sign just prior to his death.
- The scholarship must be used for courses at the Camp Smithfield Center, and applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Single parent
- First Generation College Student
- Worthy/Needy Applicant (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application)
Frances P. Hobbs Memorial Scholarship
Amount: $2000 ($1,000 for Fall and $1,000 for Spring semester)
The Frances P. Hobbs Memorial Scholarship was established by her son, Kermit Hobbs, and daughter, Cynthia Baker, to honor her support of Paul D. Camp Community College. In 1989 she and her husband, Oliver Kermit Hobbs, Sr., donated 67 acres of land in Suffolk that would become the Oliver K. Hobbs Campus of Camp. In 2002, after the death of Mr. Hobbs, Mrs. Hobbs made an additional donation of 17 acres of land adjacent to the Hobbs Campus in Suffolk.
Mrs. Hobbs was honored in 2008 with the Chancellors Award for Leadership in Philanthropy, presented by the Virginia Community College System. Mr. & Mrs. Hobbs were founders of Hobbs Engineering Company, which later became Amadas Industries. For this reason, this scholarship fund strives to support students seeking to further their education in the fields of engineering and technology.
- Applicant must be enrolled in courses that are leading to a certificate or degree in the areas of Industrial Maintenance or Industrial Technology.
- Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 2.75 if currently or recently enrolled in continuing education.
- Applicant should demonstrate a financial need.
- Two letters of recommendation must be attached to the application. One letter should be from a faculty member, if currently or recently in school. One letter should be from a personal or work-related reference.
- Submissions must include a 200-400 word essay stating how this scholarship would help the student to pursue their goals and why that is important to the applicant.
Friendship Scholarship
($3000 – awarded in Fall for one year $1500 Fall and Spring )
- Applicant must be a High School Graduate.
- Applicant must be enrolled in a Certificate or Degree Program at Camp.
- Applicant must have at least 2.0 GPA if currently or recently enrolled in high school or higher education (transcript must be attached to application).
- Applicant must demonstrate a financial need (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application).
GED & Adult Education Scholarship Fund
Amount: Up to $1,000 per student (minimum 10 students per year)
The GED and Adult Education Scholarship was initially established as part of the Rural Virginia Horseshoe Initiative (RVHI), providing incentives for recent GED recipients to continue their education in the workforce and other programs of study. Almost 20% of rural Virginians do not graduate high school. As a result, the Commonwealth ranks 31st nationally in the percentage of the population with at least a high school equivalency.
This scholarship is an investment in people who want to work and find a career that will empower them to become strong, productive citizens. It gives a little financial help to encourage GED recipients to begin (or continue) their education after high school and helps inspire people without a GED to earn one. The GED Adult Education Scholarship is building a bridge from high school to college to career. In addition to the scholarship, awardees will receive support from counselors, advisors, and other support services on the Camp campuses to help them reach their education and career goals.
The scholarship is available for students who want to enroll in Credit and/or Non-credit courses, ranging from forklift classes to welding, electrical and HVAC certificates to associate’s degrees in Nursing and more. The scholarship may be used to pay for classes, tools or other items needed for specific courses, computers and/or barriers that prevent a student from pursuing his/her academic goals (childcare, transportation, etc.).
The GED & Adult Education Scholarship is available for students who meet the following criteria:
- Applicant must have recently earned a GED certificate (within the last 5 years)
- Applicant will need to upload a copy of their GED certificate
- Applicant must not be enrolled in another college or university
- Applicant must reside in the Western Tidewater communities of Franklin, Suffolk, Isle of Wight County, or Southampton County, Virginia
- Submissions must include a few words on what courses or career the applicant plans to pursue and how they will use this scholarship
- Student may enroll in Non-credit (such as Workforce Development) and/or Credit (lead to an associate’s degree or certificate) courses
- For students taking Credit courses, this scholarship is to be used as “last dollar” funding (after last form of other financial aid is used)
- Financial need is not necessarily a determining factor; however, Credit students must complete the free FAFSA
- Scholarship is awarded on a first come, first serve basis
Joe and Frances Wilbur Memorial Scholarship
($500 – Fall)
This scholarship is available for the Fall only. It was created by generous donors in the memory of Joe & Frances Wilbur.
- Applicant must be a High School Graduate.
- Applicant must be enrolled in a Certificate or Degree Program at Camp.
- Applicant must have at least 2.5 GPA if currently or recently enrolled in high school or higher education (transcript must be attached to application).
- Applicant must demonstrate a financial need (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application).
Margaret L. Brown Education Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
The Margaret L. Brown Education Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Mrs. Margaret L. Brown. Mrs. Brown grew up as a first generation Scottish-American in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She and her four siblings had vivacious childhoods punctuated by many adventures and loved each other fiercely. Once she became a teacher, Mrs. Brown transferred this passion and unconditional love to her classroom and to her students. She was always taking the extra step to help a student, coach sports practices after school, and insure that each child knew of their potential to not only succeed but also to become caring and honest members of society. Recipients of this scholarship should be dedicated to not only helping their students achieve success academically but also inspire them to become great citizens.
The Margaret L. Brown Education Scholarship will be available for tuition, books, and other legitimate school needs for students.
- Available to a new or returning Paul D. Camp Community College student
- Applicant must be pursuing an Associates in Arts & Science Degree in Education with plans to matriculate to a 4-year institution
- Applicants must maintain a GPA of 2.75 or higher
- Two letters of recommendation must be attached to application
- Submissions must include a 300-word essay stating how this scholarship would help the student to pursue their goals and why that is important to the applicant
Matthews & Reed Nursing Scholarship
Amount: $500 distributed to one student during the Fall term.
Two nursing scholarships were established through the Southampton Memorial Hospital Auxiliary: The Matthews Nursing Scholarship and the Reed Nursing Scholarship. As the hospital no longer has a nursing program, the Auxiliary combined the two scholarships to provide nursing students at Paul D. Camp Community College funds to help pay for their education to become nurses.
The Maria Holland Matthews Scholarship Fund was established by Dr. Roy Matthews in memory of his mother, a life-long resident of Franklin and Southampton County, for students in the hospital’s School of Practical Nursing. Mrs. Matthews was dedicated to the hospital and young people – this scholarship is in honor and memory of her values and beliefs and is a lasting tribute to her memory.
The Reed Nursing Scholarship Fund was established in memory of Dianne Daughtry Reed, a native of Hunterdale, who attended Johnston-Willis School of Nursing after she graduated from Southampton County High School. Mrs. Reed dedicated eight years of her young life to providing quality, compassionate nursing care on the Intensive/Coronary Care Unit and another year as Clinical Instructor for the School of Practical Nursing at Southampton Memorial Hospital. She was ever striving to improve her knowledge, and she set a glowing example for new nurses to follow. She died as a result of injuries she sustained in an automobile accident in 1985. This scholarship was designed to perpetuate her love for nursing through the students whom receive it.
The Matthews & Reed Nursing Scholarship will be available for students who meet the following criteria:
- Applicant must have received a letter of acceptance into the PN, RN or LPN-RN Bridge Program at Camp. (Letter must be attached to the application.)
- Applicant must reside in the Western Tidewater communities of Franklin, Isle of Wight County, or Southampton County, Virginia.
- Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 if currently or recently enrolled in high school or continuing education.
- Applicant must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 to receive the second installment of scholarship funds.
- Submissions must include a short essay stating the applicant’s plans to continue a career in nursing.
Neall Family Charitable Foundation Scholarship
Amount: $4,591 (half fall and half spring)
- Minimum GPA of 2.0
- Enrolled full time (minimum of 12 credit hours)
- Applicant should express need for financial support in order to complete their associate degree.
Nellie White Business Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
The Nellie C. White Business Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Mrs. Nellie C. White. Mrs. White was born into a farming family in Hertford, North Carolina. She and her husband Charles White fearlessly endeavored into car sales at a young age. Businesswomen like Nellie White are rare. She had an innate business sense and a quick mind. In addition to her natural business inclination, she believed in hard work, dedication, and pursuing your dreams no matter what. Recipients of this scholarship should be just as boldly dedicated to pursuing their dreams as Mrs. Nellie C. White was. Her success, as well as the success of Starr Motors is testament to this way of thinking and approach to business.
The Nellie White Business Scholarship will be available for tuition, books, and other legitimate school needs for students.
- Available to a new or returning Paul D. Camp Community College student
- Applicant must be pursuing an Associates in Arts & Science Degree in Business Administration with plans to matriculate to a 4-year institution
- Applicants must maintain a GPA of 2.75 or higher
- Two letters of recommendation must be attached to application
- Submissions must include a 300-word essay stating how this scholarship would help the student to pursue their goals and why that is important to the applicant.
Perry W. Barnett Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Amount: $500
Established by his dear friend, Nancy Pindur, and several family members, colleagues, and longtime friends, this memorial scholarship honors Perry W. Barnett, welding instructor at Camp from 2004 to 2007. This larger than life “welding guy” (A.K.A. “D-Max” by his students) found special purpose and meaning in life through his students, for whom he wished to instill more than welding skills. This scholarship was endowed so that Perry’s wishes would continue in his memory.
The scholarship must be used for tuition for courses taken at Camp. Applicants will be scored based on the criteria listed below, with preference being given in order of the following:
- High school students taking dual-credit welding courses at Camp.
- Other students enrolled in the Welding Program at Camp.
- Worthy/Needy Applicant (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application and FAFSA will be used to determine/verify need).
Pete Parker Memorial Scholarship
($500 – Fall)
This scholarship is available for the Fall only. It was created by generous donors in the memory of Pete Parker.
- Applicant must be a High School Graduate.
- Applicant must be enrolled in a Business related Certificate or Degree Program at Camp.
- Applicant must have at least 2.5 GPA if currently or recently enrolled in high school or higher education (transcript must be attached to application).
- Applicant expresses long term goal of working in a business related field.
- Applicant must demonstrate a financial need (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application).
The Roy and Eleanor Epps Cornwell Scholarship
Amount: $750
Roy and Eleanor Epps Cornwell grew up on family farms near Ivor during the Great Depression. They were married after he returned from service in the US Navy during World War II and, together, they built two businesses and raised their daughters in Ivor. Roy was the founder of Prescription Fertilizer and Chemical Company in Ivor and, with Eleanor’s help, ran that business for many years. Both were committed to lifelong learning and to their community and were devoted parents and grandparents.
Roy was a graduate of Ivor High School and the Apprentice School at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. A farmer at heart, he was known for his knowledge of agriculture, skill as a hunter and enjoyment of people. He loved the Berlin-Ivor area more than any place on earth. Eleanor graduated from Dendron High School and enthusiastically enrolled in some classes when Paul D. Camp Community College opened. As a PTA leader, she was instrumental in bringing music education into Southampton County elementary schools. She loved her work with the church and her travels.
This scholarship is given by Locke and Cathy Cornwell Floyd and their sons, Michael, Brian, and Paul Floyd, in memory of the Cornwells, in honor of the nurses who patiently cared for them in their later years and in appreciation of the people of the Western Tidewater area who were a part of their lives in many, many ways.
The Roy and Eleanor Cornwell Scholarship will be available for tuition, books, and other legitimate school needs for nursing students.
- Applicant must have received a letter of acceptance into the RN Program or LPN-RN Bridge Program at Camp. (Letter must be attached to the application.)
- Applicant must demonstrate a likelihood of success in the program, as determined by the Nursing Faculty.
- Applicant must be a resident of Southampton County, Isle of Wight County, Surry County or Sussex County.
- Two letters of recommendation must be attached to application.
- Submissions must include a short essay stating how this scholarship would help the student to pursue their goals and why that is important to the applicant.
“Service Above Self” Rotary Scholarship
Sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Franklin, Smithfield, North Suffolk and Suffolk
Amount: $750
The Rotary motto of “Service Above Self” conveys the humanitarian spirit of the organization’s more than 1.2 million members. Rotary is characterized worldwide with a strong fellowship and relevant/meaningful community service projects. Rotary’s programs for students and youth have been proven to truly change lives.
The Rotary Club of Western Hampton Roads consists of the Franklin, Smithfield, North Suffolk and Suffolk Clubs. They have combined efforts to help Camp reach the mission of providing diverse learning opportunities to enhance the quality of life for students and the community. This scholarship will help a student pursue a wide array of educational opportunities and workforce training to include: Associate degrees, career studies certificates in transfer and career/technical programs; credit and non-credit workforce services; and training for businesses and industries.
- Available to new or returning students at Paul D. Camp Community College.
- Available to residents of the cities of Franklin and Suffolk or the counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton.
- Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.75
- Applicants must submit a brief essay about on their personal history of community service.
- Applicants must submit two letters of recommendation.
Shirley N. Barnes Scholarship
Amount: $250 (for tuition and/or books)
Established by former President, Dr. Edwin Barnes, to honor his wife Shirley.
- Financial Need (paragraph describing financial need must be attached to application)
- 2.5 or higher GPA (Transcript or GED scores must be attached to the application)
Smithfield Foods Endowed Scholarship
Amount: Up to $1,000
Smithfield Foods believes education is a key to strong, growing communities. Their longtime dedication to education in our region, and in particular to Camp, includes investments in educational programs and scholarships impacting every person in our community. The Smithfield Foods Endowed Scholarship is one of many collaborative efforts to help ensure an intelligent, well trained, strong community.
This scholarship is available to one student only and is presented during the Fall semester annually. The maximum award annually is $1,000. The scholarship committee may award additional scholarships as funds are available.
The Smithfield Foods Endowed Scholarship provides assistance in the form of funding for tuition, books, and related fees. It is available to students who meet the following scholarship criteria:
- Applicant must be pursuing a certificate in a trade or a certificate or degree in the study areas of Business, Logistics, Industrial Maintenance, Manufacturing, or Technology.
- An applicant’s financial need, as determined through the Camp Financial Aid Office, shall be considered. (Note: Although need is considered, it is not the only criterion for selection).
- Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 2.75, if recently enrolled in high school or higher education courses.
- Applicant must be a resident of the Western Hampton Roads region which includes Franklin, Suffolk, Isle of Wight County, or Southampton County.
Student Leadership Scholarship
The Camp Student Leadership Scholarship Fund was established by the Literary Club at Camp.
The club wanted the remaining funds from their club to help the students at Camp reach their goals.
The Camp Student Leadership Scholarship will be available for tuition, books, and other legitimate school needs for students.
- He/she must be a part or full-time student currently enrolled at Paul D. Camp Community College.
- The student GPA must be at least at 2.75.
- He/she must be actively engaged with at least one Camp student club for which is he/she must be an officer.
- A satisfactory letter of his/her leadership abilities must be submitted by his/her club advisor.
Suffolk Ruritan Nursing Scholarship
Amount: Up to $1,500 to cover tuition for two semesters, contingent on maintaining a minimum 2.50 GPA ($750 each for the fall and spring semester)
- Resident of the College’s service area, preferably from Suffolk
- Acceptance into the RN program at Camp (copy of acceptance letter must be attached to application)
- Demonstrated financial need
- Plan to work in service area upon graduation.
- Two letters of recommendation, referencing character and community work
- High school or college transcripts, if applicable (transcripts must be attached to application)
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
- Essay explaining why you merit the scholarship, including financial need (essay must be attached to application)
The Terri Hubbard Powers Path to Prosperity Scholarship
In memory of H.J. and Dot Hubbard
This scholarship is available for Fall and Spring Semester for up to two years
Amount: Up to $2,505.75 per semester (full tuition and fees) (Based on 15 credit hours per semester)
Terri grew up in Sedley and continues to be a friend of the Western Tidewater community. Her primary concern for this scholarship is to help a student right out of high school who will be entering select Career and Technical Education programs that directly lead to employment. Terri believes getting an education, whether learning a trade or studying to become a skilled professional, is the most important thing you can do to empower your life. Her hope is to provide a path for someone who needs a lift that would help them improve their socio-economic status.
The Terri Hubbard Powers Path to Prosperity Scholarship will be available for tuition and fees for the fall and spring semester, up to two years.
- This scholarship is need-based.
- Two scholarships per year are available.
- Recent high school completion or home school completion.
- Maintain a 2.0 or higher GPA at Camp to receive continued funding.
- Residence in Franklin, Isle of Wight County, Southampton County, Suffolk, Surry County, and Sussex County
- The student must be entering any certificate or degree program except General Studies.
- Submissions must include a 200-400 word essay stating how this scholarship would help the student to pursue their goals and why that is important to the applicant.
Application Process: The College Scholarship Committee makes the selection during the Fall Semester Scholarship application process.